We love summer for so many reasons. The warming weather allows everyone to mix things up in the style stakes as well as the chance to hit the beach, explore nature, and dine alfresco with family and friends. This means our wardrobes have to be ready for pretty much anything during the summer ahead.
Having a good, old sort out is therefore the perfect way to start the season, but where do you begin when organising your wardrobe for all those fabulous summer adventures?
Read on to discover our top tips for launching your very own summer edit.
Start with a big clear-out
Starting every seasonal shift with one, big clear out will ensure you don’t move forward with any clothes you definitely won’t wear.
Before you start placing items into storage, go through your wardrobe with a fine-tooth comb. Decide what you want to sell, donate, customise, repair, and recycle, and become a decluttering expert with every season.
There’s no shame in having a ‘maybe’ pile if you’re not sure whether you want to part with an item of clothing just yet.
Create a capsule wardrobe
Thinking about your outfit options will help you declutter and organise your wardrobe no-end.
You may edit your wardrobe at various points throughout the year. But starting with a capsule collection of the basic outfits that will see you through the season will leave you better prepared and minimise the amount of pointless, frivolous purchases you’re likely to make.
Use your staples to create looks for every occasion that you might find yourself in during the summer months.
Not forgetting to set aside some seasonal pieces – like our beautiful scarves, shawls and capes – to help you negotiate the unpredictability of the great British weather.
Categorise for complete clarity
Staying well organised throughout the season is what many of us look to yet fail to achieve.
Start the summer season off on the right foot by reconfiguring your wardrobe with organisation in mind.
A tidy wardrobe means a tidy mind and makes getting ready in the morning (even in a sleep-filled haze) much more straightforward and stress-free.
Divide your summer clothes into categories based on their type, i.e. group t-shirts, shirts, jackets, skirts, dresses, and trousers neatly together.
Going one step further by dividing into subcategories, i.e. midi dress, maxi dress, formal dress etc., will make that perfect summer outfit even easier to find.
Move out those winter wonders
With spring very much a time of transition on the weather front, those winter woollies will have been well worn rather recently.
Storing them away as the season takes a turn and the warm weather makes an appearance however will free up space for those summer essentials.
Before you grab those storage bags, there’s one golden rule no one should forget when storing winter clothes. We’ll let House Beautiful reveal all:
“The biggest mistake a lot of us make is putting worn clothes into storage. However, there is nothing moths and bacteria enjoy more than the smell of sweet perfume or the remnants of food. So pop everything in the washer and ensure they are completely dry before storing them.”
For wool items, in particular, seeking out a natural alternative to mothballs also comes highly recommended.
Cedar shoe trees, hangers, blocks, balls, and sachets are what we’d suggest for a moisture absorbent, critter repellent that works yet doesn’t have that distinctive mothball odour.
Find more top tips for storing your winter woollies here.
Images: New Africa / Shutterstock.com, Kostikova Natalia / Shutterstock.com