With knowledge and expertise we carefully select the best Gotland sheep wool to weave our blankets, bedspreads, throws and cushions. This wool makes the warmest cosiest blankets, but its supply is limited, making it very special indeed.
The highest grade wool fibres of this type come from Gotland sheep that are both native too, and live on, the Swedish Isle Of Gotland. The breed was first established on this island by the Vikings with Karakul and Romanov sheep brought back from expeditions deep into Russia and crossed with the native landrace sheep.

The climate gets extremely bitter in this part of the world. So the sheep have evolved to grow fleeces that are softer and warmer, providing themselves with excellent protection from the elements and in turn us with the softest most insulating wool!
We source with care, as it is important to us that the animals who provide our wool are happy. Owned by reputable farms that have high animal welfare standards. The sheep roam freely in family units on fresh pastures. They are sheared in spring by skilled shearers that handle them with care and respect.

The fleece is soft to the touch, dense, long and lustrous. The fibres come in a multitude of greys, from light silver to nearly black. We especially love working with natural wool colours as they fit so harmoniously with every day life. We also love the pure softness that this wool retains when left in its natural state.

Gotland wool is a planet-friendly fibre, being natural, renewable and biodegradable. It makes textiles that are durable, easy to care for and with long lifespans. It is insulating and breathable, with the ability to regulate body temperature and wick moisture away from the skin. This is why wool blankets are the best blankets.

Once we have selected our wool, we then elevate this noble natural fibre by skilfully weaving it into beautiful and practical blankets, throws and cushions. Our designs are not mass produced, but are unique and carefully considered with our customers needs in mind. Each piece is a modern day luxury item, designed and made to give you comfort, warmth and joy every day and for years to come.
So Cosy is an official Campaign For Wool supporter. Live naturally, choose wool.